The smart way to use social media research: test it yourself

The smart way to use social media research: test it yourself

Social Media Trends

Every social media manager has read a statistic about the best time to tweet or advice on what to post on Facebook pages. But savvy social media managers know that every audience is different. So although the social media research is useful, it’s important to test those assumptions with your own audience.

Buffer, a social media scheduling and analytics company, gathered the best social media research and implemented simple tests to improve on the latest social media advice:

All the research, latest Facebook statistics and sensational headlines aside, the key to knowing what works best for you on Facebook is to test it well again. For example, saying “post pictures” isn’t at all helpful.

Instead of pictures alone, which is often one of the biggest social media mistakes, here is one assumption that we’ve found has been validated over and over again on our own Facebook page: Post pictures that are meaningful without having to read any text next to it.

Check out the rest of the blog post to find out how they tested social media assumptions, and find out the “20 most retweetable words” and seven words that make blog post headlines go viral. Just be sure to test those headlines yourself using ShareProgress!

Written By

Kimberly Munoz
