Have you heard about organizations using ShareProgress, but aren’t quite sure if it’s the right fit for your work? No worries! We have a few questions and answers… Continue Reading
Have you ever had your boss/client/parent ask you to make something “go viral” Yeah. We’ve been there too.
Get the biggest bang-for-your-buck. Create and test different, potentially-compelling Facebook headlines. Here’s how.
Advocacy campaigns that are specific to a single city don’t typically engage huge audiences of people, particularly when compared to national campaigns. But the people who do engage are often the most passionate and can be highly effective at recruiting others to join the fight
Every social media manager has read a statistic about the best time to tweet or advice on what to post on Facebook pages. But savvy social media managers know that every audience is different. So although the social media research is useful, it’s important to test those assumptions with your own audience.
Although large campaigns have the scale to recruit tens of thousands of new supporters by optimizing social sharing, smaller organizations can see significant growth as well. By encouraging your members to share your cause, you can reach new potential supporters regardless of your size.