What you need to know about Facebook’s Anti-Clickbait Changes

What you need to know about Facebook’s Anti-Clickbait Changes

Social Media Trends

It’s time for another Facebook algorithm change. This time the News Feed changes are taking aim at context-less headlines from clickbait farms.

No More Clickbait

The newest changes from Facebook’s are trying to discourage clickbait headlines from filling up people’s News Feeds. Facebook defines clickbait as links with headlines “that encourages people to click to see more, without telling them much information about what they will see.”

Facebook will track how your readers interact with links and penalize articles that immediately drive people back to Facebook. If you can, take a cue from Upworthy and optimize for “Attention Minutes”. Write headlines that will attract interested supporters who will interact and share your video, infographic or petition.

Hopefully, you haven’t been using any titles that would be featured on @SavedYouAClick. Even before the News Feed change, petitions with direct titles outperformed vague ones in terms of engagement and attracting the most supporters.

Until recently, photo posts received more engagement than link posts and social media managers subsequently recommended sharing share links in photo captions. Don’t do that any more.

According to Facebook’s announcement, including links in photo posts will decrease reach compared to link posts. Facebook wants to encourage link posts as they give readers more context and are easier to click through on mobile screens than bit.ly shortlinks.

Don't add links to images.

Coping With Facebook’s News Feed Changes

This won’t be the last Facebook News Feed change. Facebook change the media they present to their readers all the time. You can keep up with Facebook’s changes by following the Facebook’s Newsroom blog.

If keeping up with Facebook’s algorithm changes seems overwhelming, just remember Facebook’s goal is to keep their readers happy. Don’t worry about gaming the system, just keep your Facebook supporters happy and eager to see and share your updates.

Written By

Kimberly Munoz
