Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day

About ShareProgressInside ShareProgress

Depending on who you talk to, today is Valentine’s/Gal-entine’s/Pal-entine’s Day, and it’s a day about celebrating love–of some kind. Whether that’s romantic love, friend love, or self-care and appreciation, we’re here for it and celebrate it in all of its forms!

Different folks are marking the occasion in different ways, and we wanted to share with you how some of the ShareProgress staff takes care of others–something that’s increasingly important in this day and age.

Anna likes to find helpful solutions for her friends and loved ones, from health tips to how to incorporate a business. Sandira, our Creative Director, likes to be present for her friends to help them feel “unstuck” in life, “by taking the time to listen to them, help them think outside the box, or sometimes just laugh together at the absurdity of life.”

And Jim, our CEO, likes to give small, thoughtful gifts: his mother was a teacher, so three years ago, he programmed a web game about teaching for her on Mother’s Day (you can still play the game today!).

How do you care for others in your life?

Written By

John Brougher
