Case Study: uses ShareProgress to boost attendance for offline events

Case Study: uses ShareProgress to boost attendance for offline events

Case Studies

Peers Victory Photo at CPUC

Have you ever organized an event and ended up with a smaller turnout than you’d hoped for? In-person events can be great for building strong community connections and engaging more deeply than is possible online, but it can be challenging to get people to show up for them.

When, an advocacy group for the sharing economy, invited members to a California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) meeting, ShareProgress helped them get out the word.

Members of Peers in the San Francisco Bay Area were invited to join for a breakfast meet-up and then attend a regulatory meeting to show support for ridesharing in California. The meeting had over 200 attendees and received media attention from Forbes and Salon.

Your future supporters are more likely to attend an in-person event when their friends are going too.

After Peers members completed the RSVP form, they were sent to a ShareProgress page to invite their friends. And they did.

More than half (56%) of people who signed up for the event also invited their friends to attend. And their friends responded: for every 10 people who shared the event, 13 people clicked the share post to visit the event webpage and find out details. In the end, social sharing increased total RSVPs by more than 7%.

Getting people to show up for an offline event is a tough thing to do, especially if you’re asking using social media. However, when the request is coming from a friend, it can be an effective way to get more people out and hit those ambitious turnout goals.

Written By

Kimberly Munoz
