Quick Tip: Turn your Facebook shares into Facebook fans

Quick Tip: Turn your Facebook shares into Facebook fans

Quick Tip

Getting more shares from your ShareProgress pages? There’s an easy way to turn those shares into Facebook fans.

Adding a simple Facebook Open Graph tag will include a button to “Like” your organization every time someone shares a page from your website.

Setting up the “Like” button for your pages is easy. You just have to add two lines of code to the header of all your webpages:

<meta property="og:type" content="article" />
<meta property="article:publisher" content="FACEBOOK_PAGE_LINK" />

Replace FACEBOOK_PAGE_LINK with the link to your organization’s Facebook page (for example, we use https://www.facebook.com/ShareProgress on the ShareProgress website). When your community shares your pages, Facebook will find these tags and automatically include a call-to-action to “Like” your organization’s Facebook page.

This tip was originally posted on New Organizing Institute’s Tip of the Day

Written By

Jim Pugh
